Licensed Model Certification

Our first certification is the Licensed Model (L) Certification for AI providers. It can be awarded to any company, organisation, or product that makes generative AI models or services available, and that meets the requirements below.

L Certification requirements

1. Data sources

All of the training data used for the model(s) being certified must fall into one of the following categories:

  • Be explicitly provided to the model developer for the purposes of being used as training data, according to a contractual agreement with a party that has the rights required to enter such an agreement

  • Be available under an open license appropriate to the use-case

  • Be in the public domain globally

  • Be fully owned by the model developer

Obtaining a license from an organisation that itself licenses from creators (e.g. a record label or a stock image library) is considered consent for these purposes. (For more info on this, see our FAQs.)

Any third-party or open models you use must adhere to the same requirements, as must any models used to generate any synthetic data you use.

2. Data due diligence

You must have a robust process for conducting due diligence into the training data you consider using, including thorough checks into the rights position of the training data provider.

3. Record keeping

You must have a robust process for keeping records of the training data that was used for each model training.

Certification process

Start the application process by filling out our short online form. We’ll be in touch and take you through the full written submission process. When you send us your written submission, you pay the submission fee; we then review your submission, potentially asking for further information. If your submission is successful, you pay the annual certification fee and your certification is complete. Certification is then reevaluated annually.

Certification fees

Pricing is based on your organization’s annual revenue.

  • Revenue <$100k: $150 submission fee, $500 annual certification fee.

  • Revenue <$500k: $150 submission fee, $1,000 annual certification fee.

  • Revenue <$5M: $250 submission fee, $2,000 annual certification fee.

  • Revenue <$10M: $350 submission fee, $4,000 annual certification fee.

  • Revenue >$10M: $500 submission fee, $6,000 annual certification fee.